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Our mission is to provide customers with high-quality, easy-to-use fishing products that are packed with
unique benefits to help anglers get their baits and lures in the strike zone …. and keep them there. RediRig Tackle’s patented release mechanisms allow anglers to spend more time fishing …. and more time catching! 
All RediRig Tackle products are 100% made in the USA.


Here are some instructional videos and some general fishing videos to help better understand the features and benefits of our products.  If you send us in a video of you fishing, using or demonstrating any of our products we would send you a $100 voucher for any RediRig products you would like. Send your video link to us here.

RediRig Instant Downrigger: Step by Step

RediRig Float: Step by Step

RediRig Stealth Planer Floats Explained

Chris Gatley explains RediRig floats

Catching Walleye on RediRig's Revolutionary Planers!

Secret weapon for Trophy STRIPERS!

First use and review of REDI RIG Stealth PLANER FLOATS-Team Old School

Steelhead landed on RediRig Mini Planer Floats!

KERR LAKE Striped Bass- Planers and Shad -RediRig TOS Planer Floats

Catching Mackerel using a Redirig Instant Downrigger

RediRig TOS Planer Float explained

ICAST 2014: RediRig Planer Float

Insufishent Funds Blufin Bash with Large RediRig Floats

RediRig Release Float - Great for big catfish rigs 

12.5 lb walleye on large Stealth Planer Float

Flounder fishing with RediRig release floats

My Trick to catch big striped bass

Babe Winleman using S300 for big stripers

Nice Striper on TOS Planer Float

Float set up explained

Planer Floats for Wahoo/Kingfish explained

Nice Stripers on TOS Planer Floats

Mike Smedley strikes again!

ChiCityYaker review of Stealth Planer Floats

Kokanee on Instant Downriggers.

© 2021 RediRig Tackle.  1194 Park Ledge Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44056   |   216.780.3242  |   

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